Source code for pynmeagps.nmeahelpers

Collection of NMEA helper methods which can be used
outside the NMEAMessage or NMEAReader classes

Created on 04 Mar 2021

:author: semuadmin
:copyright: SEMU Consulting © 2021
:license: BSD 3-Clause

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

from datetime import datetime
from math import acos, asin, atan2, cos, pi, sin, sqrt

import pynmeagps.exceptions as nme
from pynmeagps.nmeatypes_core import (

KNOTSCONV = {"MS": 0.5144447324, "FS": 1.68781084, "MPH": 1.15078, "KMPH": 1.852001}

[docs] def get_parts(message: object) -> tuple: """ Get content, talker, msgid, payload and checksum of raw NMEA message. :param object message: entire message as bytes or string :return: tuple of (content, talker, msgID, payload as list, checksum) :rtype: tuple :raises: NMEAMessageError (if message is badly formed) """ try: if isinstance(message, bytes): message = message.decode("utf-8") content, cksum = message.strip("$\r\n").split("*", 1) hdr, payload = content.split(",", 1) payload = payload.split(",") if hdr[0:1] == "P": # proprietary talker = "P" msgid = hdr[1:] else: # standard talker = hdr[0:2] msgid = hdr[2:] return content, talker, msgid, payload, cksum except Exception as err: raise nme.NMEAMessageError(f"Badly formed message {message}") from err
[docs] def calc_checksum(content: object) -> str: """ Calculate checksum for raw NMEA message. :param object content: NMEA message content (everything except checksum) :return: checksum as hex string :rtype: str """ cksum = 0 for sub in content: cksum ^= ord(sub) return f"{cksum:02X}"
[docs] def generate_checksum(talker: str, msgID: str, payload: list) -> str: """ Generate checksum for new NMEA message. :param str talker: talker e.g. "GN" :param str msgID: msgID e.g. "GLL" :param list payload: payload as list :return: checksum as hex string :rtype: str """ content = talker + msgID + "," for i, s in enumerate(payload): content += ("," if i else "") + s return calc_checksum(content)
[docs] def dmm2ddd(pos: str) -> float: """ Convert NMEA lat/lon string to (unsigned) decimal degrees. :param str pos: (d)ddmm.mmmmm :return: pos as decimal degrees :rtype: float or str if invalid """ try: dp = pos.find(".") if dp < 4: raise ValueError() posdeg = float(pos[0 : dp - 2]) posmin = float(pos[dp - 2 :]) return round((posdeg + posmin / 60), 10) except (TypeError, ValueError): return ""
[docs] def ddd2dmm(degrees: float, att: str, hpmode: bool = False) -> str: """ Convert decimal degrees to native NMEA degrees decimal minutes string (NB: standard NMEA only supports 5dp minutes precision - a high precision mode offers 7dp precision but this may not be accepted by all NMEA parsers). :param float degrees: degrees :param str att: 'LA' (lat) or 'LN' (lon) :param bool hpmode: high precision mode (7dp rather than 5dp) :return: degrees as (d)ddmm.mmmmm(mm) formatted string :rtype: str """ try: degrees = abs(degrees) degrees, minutes = divmod(degrees * 60, 60) degrees = int(degrees * 100) if hpmode: if att == LA: dmm = f"{degrees + minutes:.7f}".zfill(12) else: # LN dmm = f"{degrees + minutes:.7f}".zfill(13) else: if att == LA: dmm = f"{degrees + minutes:.5f}".zfill(10) else: # LN dmm = f"{degrees + minutes:.5f}".zfill(11) return dmm except (TypeError, ValueError): return ""
[docs] def date2utc(dates: str, form: str = DT) -> """ Convert NMEA Date to UTC datetime. :param str dates: NMEA date :param str form: date format DT = ddmmyy, DM = mmddyy (DT) :return: UTC date YYyy:mm:dd :rtype: """ try: dform = "%m%d%y" if form == DM else "%d%m%y" utc = datetime.strptime(dates, dform) return except (TypeError, ValueError): return ""
[docs] def time2utc(times: str) -> datetime.time: """ Convert NMEA Time to UTC datetime. :param str times: NMEA time :return: UTC time :rtype: datetime.time """ try: if len(times) == 6: # decimal seconds is omitted times = times + ".00" utc = datetime.strptime(times, "%H%M%S.%f") return utc.time() except (TypeError, ValueError): return ""
[docs] def time2str(tim: datetime.time) -> str: """ Convert datetime.time to NMEA formatted string. :param datetime.time tim: time :return: NMEA formatted time string :rtype: str """ try: return tim.strftime("%H%M%S.%f")[0:9] except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): return ""
[docs] def date2str(dat:, form: str = DT) -> str: """ Convert to NMEA formatted string. :param dat: date :param str form: date format DT = ddmmyy, DM = mmddyy (DT) :return: NMEA formatted date string :rtype: str """ try: dform = "%m%d%y" if form == DM else "%d%m%y" return dat.strftime(dform) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): return ""
[docs] def knots2spd(knots: float, unit: str = "MS") -> float: """ Convert speed in knots to speed in specified units. :param float knots: knots :param unit str: 'MS' (default), 'FS', MPH', 'KMPH' :return: speed in m/s, feet/s, mph or kmph :rtype: float """ try: return knots * KNOTSCONV[unit.upper()] except KeyError as err: raise KeyError( f"Invalid conversion unit {unit.upper()} - must be in {list(KNOTSCONV.keys())}." ) from err except TypeError as err: raise TypeError( f"Invalid knots value {knots} - must be float or integer." ) from err
[docs] def msgdesc(msgID: str) -> str: """ Return descriptive string for NMEA msgId. :param msgID str: message ID e.g. 'GGA' :return: description of message :rtype: str """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name if msgID in NMEA_MSGIDS: return NMEA_MSGIDS[msgID] if msgID in NMEA_MSGIDS_PROP: return NMEA_MSGIDS_PROP[msgID] return f"Unknown msgID {msgID}"
[docs] def latlon2dms(lat: float, lon: float) -> tuple: """ Converts decimal lat/lon tuple to degrees minutes seconds. :param float lat: lat :param float lon: lon :return: (lat,lon) in d.m.s. format :rtype: tuple """ lat = deg2dms(lat, LA) lon = deg2dms(lon, LN) return lat, lon
[docs] def latlon2dmm(lat: float, lon: float) -> tuple: """ Converts decimal lat/lon tuple to degrees decimal minutes. :param float lat: lat :param float lon: lon :return: (lat,lon) in format :rtype: tuple """ lat = deg2dmm(lat, LA) lon = deg2dmm(lon, LN) return lat, lon
[docs] def deg2dms(degrees: float, att: str) -> str: """ Convert decimal degrees to degrees minutes seconds string e.g. '51°20′45.6″N' :param float degrees: degrees :param str att: 'LA' (lat) or 'LN' (lon) :return: degrees as d.m.s formatted string :rtype: str """ try: negative = degrees < 0 degrees = abs(degrees) minutes, seconds = divmod(degrees * 3600, 60) degrees, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) if negative: sfx = "S" if att == LA else "W" else: sfx = "N" if att == LA else "E" return f"{int(degrees)}\u00b0{int(minutes)}\u2032{round(seconds,5)}\u2033{sfx}" except (TypeError, ValueError): return ""
[docs] def deg2dmm(degrees: float, att: str) -> str: """ Convert decimal degrees to degrees decimal minutes string e.g. '51°20.76′S'. :param float degrees: degrees :param str att: 'LA' (lat) or 'LN' (lon) :return: degrees as dm.m formatted string :rtype: str """ try: negative = degrees < 0 degrees = abs(degrees) degrees, minutes = divmod(degrees * 60, 60) if negative: sfx = "S" if att == LA else "W" else: sfx = "N" if att == LA else "E" return f"{int(degrees)}\u00b0{round(minutes,7)}\u2032{sfx}" except (TypeError, ValueError): return ""
[docs] def llh2iso6709(lat: float, lon: float, alt: float, crs: str = WGS84) -> str: """ Convert decimal degrees and alt to ISO6709 format e.g. "+27.5916+086.5640+8850CRSWGS_84/". :param float lat: latitude :param float lon: longitude :param float alt: altitude (hMSL) :param float crs: coordinate reference system (default = WGS_84) :return: position in ISO6709 format :rtype: str """ lati, loni, alti = ["-" if c < 0 else "+" for c in (lat, lon, alt)] return f"{lati}{abs(lat)}{loni}{abs(lon)}{alti}{alt}CRS{crs}/"
[docs] def ecef2llh( x: float, y: float, z: float, a: float = WGS84_SMAJ_AXIS, f: float = WGS84_FLATTENING, ) -> tuple: """ Convert ECEF coordinates to geodetic (LLH) using Olson algorithm. Olson, D. K. (1996). Converting Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed Coordinates to Geodetic Coordinates. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 32(1), 473-476. :param float x: X coordinate :param float y: Y coordinate :param float z: Z coordinate :param float a: semi-major axis (6378137.0 for WGS84) :param float f: flattening (298.257223563 for WGS84) :return: tuple of (lat, lon, ellipsoidal height in m) as floats :rtype: tuple """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # commented default values are for WGS84 spheroid f = 1 / f e2 = f * (2 - f) # 6.6943799901377997e-3 a1 = a * e2 # 4.2697672707157535e4 a2 = a1 * a1 # 1.8230912546075455e9 a3 = a1 * e2 / 2 # 1.8230912546075455e9 a4 = 2.5 * a2 # 4.5577281365188637e9 a5 = a1 + a3 # 4.2840589930055659e4 a6 = 1 - e2 # 9.9330562000986220e-1 zp = abs(z) w2 = x * x + y * y w = sqrt(w2) z2 = z * z r2 = w2 + z2 r = sqrt(r2) # algorithm inaccurate near Earth's core # so nominal value returned if r < 100000.0: return 0.0, 0.0, -1.0e7 lon = atan2(y, x) s2 = z2 / r2 c2 = w2 / r2 u = a2 / r v = a3 - a4 / r if c2 > 0.3: s = (zp / r) * (1.0 + c2 * (a1 + u + s2 * v) / r) lat = asin(s) ss = s * s c = sqrt(1.0 - ss) else: c = (w / r) * (1.0 - s2 * (a5 - u - c2 * v) / r) lat = acos(c) ss = 1.0 - c * c s = sqrt(ss) g = 1.0 - e2 * ss rg = a / sqrt(g) rf = a6 * rg u = w - rg * c v = zp - rf * s f = c * u + s * v m = c * v - s * u p = m / (rf / g + f) lat = lat + p height = f + m * p / 2.0 if z < 0.0: lat = -lat lat, lon = [c * 180 / pi for c in (lat, lon)] return lat, lon, height
[docs] def llh2ecef( lat: float, lon: float, height: float, a: float = WGS84_SMAJ_AXIS, f: float = WGS84_FLATTENING, ) -> tuple: """ Convert geodetic coordinates (LLH) to ECEF. :param float lat: lat in degrees :param float lon: lon on degrees :param float height: ellipsoidal height in metres :param float a: semi-major axis (6378137.0 for WGS84) :param float f: flattening (298.257223563 for WGS84) :return: tuple of ECEF (X, Y, Z) as floats :rtype: tuple """ lat, lon = [c * pi / 180 for c in (lat, lon)] f = 1 / f e2 = f * (2 - f) a2 = a**2 b2 = a2 * (1 - e2) N = a / sqrt(1 - e2 * sin(lat) ** 2) x = (N + height) * cos(lat) * cos(lon) y = (N + height) * cos(lat) * sin(lon) z = ((b2 / a2) * N + height) * sin(lat) return x, y, z
[docs] def haversine( lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float, radius: int = WGS84_SMAJ_AXIS / 1000, ) -> float: """ Calculate spherical distance in km between two coordinates using haversine formula. NB suitable for coordinates greater than around 50m apart. For smaller separations, use the planar approximation formula. :param float lat1: lat1 :param float lon1: lon1 :param float lat2: lat2 :param float lon2: lon2 :param float radius: radius in km (Earth = 6378.137 km) :return: spherical distance in km :rtype: float """ phi1, lambda1, phi2, lambda2 = [c * pi / 180 for c in (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)] dist = radius * acos( cos(phi2 - phi1) - cos(phi1) * cos(phi2) * (1 - cos(lambda2 - lambda1)) ) return dist
[docs] def planar( lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float, radius: int = WGS84_SMAJ_AXIS, ) -> float: """ Calculate planar distance between two coordinates using planar approximation formula. NB suitable for coordinates less than around 50m apart. For larger separations, use the haversine great circle formula. :param float lat1: lat1 :param float lon1: lon1 :param float lat2: lat2 :param float lon2: lon2 :param float radius: radius in m (Earth = 6378137 m) :return: planar distance in m :rtype: float """ x = (lon2 - lon1) * cos(lat1) * pi * radius / 180 y = (lat2 - lat1) * pi * radius / 180 dist = sqrt(x * x + y * y) return dist
[docs] def bearing(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float) -> float: """ Calculate bearing between two coordinates. :param float lat1: lat1 :param float lon1: lon1 :param float lat2: lat2 :param float lon2: lon2 :return: bearing in degrees :rtype: float """ phi1, lambda1, phi2, lambda2 = [c * pi / 180 for c in (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)] y = sin(lambda2 - lambda1) * cos(phi2) x = cos(phi1) * sin(phi2) - sin(phi1) * cos(phi2) * cos(lambda2 - lambda1) theta = atan2(y, x) brng = (theta * 180 / pi + 360) % 360 return brng
[docs] def get_gpswnotow(dat: datetime) -> tuple: """ Get GPS Week number (Wno) and Time of Week (Tow) for midnight on given date. GPS Epoch 0 = 6th Jan 1980 :param datetime dat: calendar date :return: tuple of (Wno, Tow) :rtype: tuple """ wno = int((dat - GPSEPOCH0).days / 7) tow = ((dat.weekday() + 1) % 7) * 86400 return wno, tow